Lack of sleep: Too little sleep affects health so much (video)

Watch the video: Lack of sleep – Too little sleep affects your health so much.

First of all, concentration suffers from a permanent lack of sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, your brain suffers because it doesn’t get enough rest. The consequences are difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness.
Those who sleep little are also more easily irritable. Because people react more sensitively to sensory stimuli, important and unimportant stimuli are much more difficult to tell apart.
Lack of sleep also increases the risk of various diseases. If you don’t get enough sleep, your heart rate increases and your body temperature drops. This not only weakens the immune system, it also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure.
A lack of sleep not only causes the skin to age faster, but can also lead to weight gain. Because during sleep, the body releases satiety hormones. If you don’t sleep much, you’ll get an appetite faster. Because they are the quickest to satisfy hunger, when there is a lack of sleep, people usually resort to foods rich in fat and carbohydrates.

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