Labor market in the district: rate falls again slightly – Ebersberg

The number of unemployed and job-seekers continues to decline in the district. In February, the Freising employment agency, which is also responsible for Ebersberg, calculated a rate of 2.1 percent. That is 0.1 percentage point less than at the end of January and only 0.1 more than in February 2020, i.e. shortly before the outbreak of the Corona crisis.

A total of 1,705 people in the district are receiving unemployment benefits, 85 fewer than a month ago and 622 fewer than a year ago. The total number of people who are registered with the agency as looking for work continues to fall: the number is currently 3027, 29 fewer than a month ago and 719 fewer than a year ago. On the other hand, there is an increase in the number of vacancies. The employment agency has 1,598 job offers in its inventory, which is 125 more than a month ago and 506 more than at the end of February 2021. 332 new jobs have been received since the beginning of the month, compared to 114 in January.

The district of Ebersberg is the best in the region

The district of Ebersberg is in an even better position than the three other districts in the agency’s area of ​​responsibility. In Freising the rate is currently 2.6 percent, in Dachau 2.5 and in Erding 2.3 percent, all values ​​correspond to those of the previous month. The average rate for all four districts is 2.4 percent, which also corresponds to the previous month’s value. A total of 15,462 people are registered as jobseekers in Dachau, Ebersberg, Erding and Freising, and 8,776 of them are entitled to unemployment benefits.

“In the winter months, we register an increase in unemployment every year, as there are only limited hours of work in outdoor occupations that depend on the weather. A large proportion of the seasonal layoffs took effect in January this year. February brought more positive trends again and the market showed itself to be receptive “, says Nikolaus Windisch, head of the Freising Employment Agency, on the latest developments on the regional job market. In February, a total of 1,237 people from gainful employment registered as unemployed. That was 962 fewer women and men than in the previous month. At the same time, 1,189 unemployed people were able to start a new job, 420 more than in January of this year. In the district of Ebersberg, 516 people registered as new unemployed, and 601 registered as unemployed.

There are currently 5792 vacancies in the four districts, 472 more than a month ago and 2117 more than at the end of February 2021. The greatest need for personnel is currently in the occupational segment of transport, logistics, protection and security, with the agency reporting 1384 vacancies. The manufacturing industry offers 1321 jobs. In February 2022, there were 938 job vacancies in the commercial services, trade, sales and tourism sector.

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