Labor market: Heil calls for more opportunities for older people

Status: 12/18/2022 02:17 am

Despite the shortage of skilled workers, many companies do not rely on the experience of people over 60 when hiring new people. Minister of Labor Heil sees this as a “brake on growth” – and calls for a rethink.

In view of the shortage of skilled workers, Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil has asked companies not to sideline older workers. “The shortage of skilled workers threatens to slow down growth,” said the SPD politician to “Bild am Sonntag”. “The fact that many companies no longer hire people over 60 is an attitude that we can no longer afford.”

It is important to ensure age-appropriate jobs in companies, said Heil. “This is the only way to ensure that the work can really be done before retirement.”

Retirement at 67 should remain

Heil confirmed that the retirement age of 67 should not be raised. “It’s not the statutory retirement age that has to increase, but the actual one.”

Last weekend, Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for an increase in the proportion of those who can actually work until retirement age. There is also “potential for increase” in the proportion of women in the labor market. But all-day offers in crèches, day-care centers and schools would have to be expanded.

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