“La sonnambula” in Rome: Everything you need to be able to do – culture

The bel canto is the top dance among the classical singing figures – and Lisette Oropesa has been its reigning queen among the sopranos for several years. After all, the American with Cuban roots has mastered everything a singer here needs to be able to do: sparkling runs, clean jumps, trills, rapid ornaments, in different articulations. But none of this sounds technical, or even mechanical, because the fundamental tone of her soprano is warm, has a lyrical and soft core, which, always surrounded by a gentle shadow, has a high recognition value. As with ballet, in bel canto the artificial must appear natural, the acrobatic must become an expression of the human – a balancing act that Oropesa masters so confidently that she is also in demand for the unusual and demanding roles in the homeland of bel canto, Italy.

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