La Nupes annoyed by the “anti-democratic buzz” of the two Sandrine Rousseau

As the legislative elections are fast approaching, 1st round on June 12, an unprecedented situation has arisen in the 9th district of Paris. In the list of 13 candidates for the National Assembly, the name of Sandrine Rousseau appears twice. Administrative error? Nope ! These are indeed two namesake candidates. The first presents itself under the colors of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), while the second defends the ideas of the Rurality Movement (LMR). If the situation could make you smile, it is taken very seriously by the two candidates, and by their voters.

Asked by 20 minutes, Sandrine Rousseau (Nupes) appears quite annoyed by the case. For her, the 13th arrondissement is not a district in which the concerns of the Rurality Movement are fixed. “There are no issues of hunting, rurality, fishing, or tradition in the 13th,” she said, referring to the old name of the party. The eco-feminist candidate who started her campaign with the inhabitants of the 9th district deplores this approach because it contributes, according to her, to “taking voters for fools”, with the sole aim of “creating an anti-democratic buzz”.

The candidate Nupes denounces a practice which consists only of “bringing trouble” in the legislative campaign. The presentation of this namesake would move the debate away from the demands of the citizens she wants to represent. “Me, I am campaigning for the inhabitants of the 13th arrondissement” she assures, while her opponent “won’t even set foot there”.

“We are tired of pitting city dwellers against rural people”

“Of course, it’s a media stunt to highlight our ideas and proposals,” admits Jérôme Juvigny, communication officer for the Mouvement Ruralité. If the “coup” worked beyond their expectations, that doesn’t make their intentions bad. “We want to put forward a union of the French. We are tired of pitting city dwellers against rural people,” he continues. So for the cities to hear this message, it is necessary to present elected representatives in constituencies such as that of the 13th arrondissement.

“We are treated as Poutinists and fascists by his close guard”, deplores Jérôme Juvigny, responding to the accusations of anti-democratic act leveled by his opponent. “Democracy is expression. Reaching the Godwin point so quickly without going through the debate, that’s the undemocratic act, ”he says. “Mrs Rousseau [Nupes] is not in Sandrine’s head [LMR] “, because the latter assured him” if I am elected, I will assume my responsibilities “.

“Playing on the name is a bit like taking voters for idiots”

In the constituency, no one is fooled. Everyone knows that the candidacy of Sandrine Rousseau LMR is more a political strategy based on the “buzz” than a real desire to represent the inhabitants of the 13th arrondissement in the National Assembly. But this practice raises for them the question of the “parachuting” of candidates. “Whatever the party, they all are,” breathes one. A young voter is convinced that “someone who has just arrived in the neighborhood cannot know the problems of its inhabitants”.

Regarding the quarrel between the two Sandrine Rousseau, a fifty-year-old supports the words of the one invested by Nupes: “Playing on the name is a bit like taking voters for idiots. It’s not fair play anyway. “She nevertheless tempers the accusations of the New Union” the comparison with Putin is perhaps too much “. For her, it is more of an “opportunistic” political movement to glean attention.

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