La Légende, Internet users call for a “boycott” of the TF1 program

The twelfth episode of “Koh-Lanta: The Legend” was broadcast on TF1 and it was rich in twists and turns. Between tears and anger, Internet users were not at the end of their sentences, this Tuesday, November 23. Some even announced that they would no longer watch Channel 1’s flagship show.

After two weeks of absence because of the Finland-France football match, viewers were impatiently awaiting Koh-Lanta’s return. “And for good reason … The last minutes of episode 11 of this “Koh-Lanta: The Legend” was particularly shocking to all fans of the program. Denis Brogniart has landed on the Île des Bannis in order to speak one on one with Teheiura. The pressure gradually mounted and the terrible rumors that had circulated throughout the week turned out to be true. The iconic adventurer of “Koh-Lanta” confessed that he had cheated. He had food delivered twice and shared his feast with other adventurers. His sentence was irrevocable, he was eliminated from the game and joined the members of the final jury …

This episode 12 of “Koh-Lanta: The Legend” was therefore expected as the Holy Grail for all fans of the game. It resumed where the previous one left off: with the exclusion of Teheiura after having confessed his mistakes.

“I am at the end of my life”

At the same time, on the camp, the adventurers still in the running had to focus on the next test of comfort. And if the award made all the candidates salivate, Denis Brogniart announced terrible news. The last would be eliminated on the spot. After an intense test, Loïc was preceded by a few seconds by Laurent. By losing this test of comfort, the favorite adventurer of “Koh-Lanta” fans had to leave the adventure … His tears upset all Internet users and many Twitter subscribers even admitted to having cried in front of their screen, by discovering the elimination of Loïc. For them, this sequence was, quite simply, a “heart break“.

“The Koh-Lanta of shame”

This elimination, which comes just after Teheiura’s admission of cheating, has had a hard time passing on the side of the fans. Especially since, as announced, some candidates took advantage of the food brought back by the Polynesian, but not Loïc according to the rumors. According to some Internet users, his departure is “unfair“. In addition, some are downright” disgusted “by this season. Many Twittos have stated their desire to”boycott“” Koh-Lanta “after this evening.

“A shame Claude’s reaction”

The rest of this episode was full of surprises and twists. During the immunity test, Ugo and Laurent were neck and neck and during the final stretch, the first adventurer eliminated from this “Koh-Lanta: The Legend” won the Totem. While attending this scene, Claude got carried away and kicked in the sand, since he could not eliminate his rival. A reaction “disproportionate“which scandalized Internet users. Twittos deplored its lack of”fair play“and condemned his attitude in this anniversary season of TF1’s flagship show.

If the elimination of Loïc has upset Internet users, their smile has gradually redrawn on their lips. The sequence where the young Savoyard discovered that he had a second chance on the Isle of the Banned caused many Twittos to explode with joy. This adventurer if “humble” and “deserving“regained his good humor and that warmed many hearts. For his part, Claude saw his popularity decrease, from episode to episode … Moreover, at the end of the advice, the viewers had to make their “farewell” to Alix … Until his arrival on the Isle of the Banned.

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