La France insoumise and the Socialists have just concluded their agreement, which must still be validated by the National Council of the PS

What the programmatic agreement between La France insoumise and the Socialist Party contains

While the “rebellious” and the socialists announced a few minutes ago that they had reached an agreement on the program and the constituencies for the legislative elections, LFI has just published the text of the compromise on its website. “The majority that we want to constitute will be based on parliamentary groups from each of the components and will set up an intergroup to complete and continue this joint work after the election”announces the text.

Among the programmatic objectives, the two parties set in particular “the revaluation of the minimum wage to 1,400 euros net”, “the right to retire at age 60”, “the price freeze of basic necessities”, “the repeal of the El Khomri law” adopted under François Hollande, or even “the end of the presidential monarchy with the VIandRepublic “.

On the “disobedience of the European treaties”desired by LFI but which remains a red line for many socialists, the two parties believe that they share “a common objective: to put an end to the liberal and productivist course of the European Union and to build a new project at the service of the ecological and solidarity bifurcation”. “Because of our histories, we speak of disobeying for some, of derogating temporarily for others, but we are aiming for the same objective: to be able to fully apply the shared program of government and thus respect the mandate that we will have given the French”they continue.

Despite this agreement, which however requires the validation of the national council of the PS which will be held Thursday evening, LFI and the socialists warn that “the implementation of [leur] shared program will necessarily lead to tensions, to the observation of contradictions”. “We will have to overcome these blockages and be ready to disregard certain rules, while working to transform them, in particular economic, social and budgetary rules such as the stability and growth pact, competition law, guidelines productivists and neoliberals of the common agricultural policy, etc. »they write in this text of agreement.

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