Kylie Minogue on sex, uncomfortable photos and her advice to young women

When should you stop being sexy? Kylie Minogue, 55 and still super successful, has some clear answers.

Ms Minogue, we would like to start with a very direct question.
Shoot away.

What do you think about sex?
Ha (laughs). Well, it’s definitely healthy, it’s good for your entire organism. However, it is not an absolute prerequisite for happiness.

The question is obvious because your new album “Tension” seems very sexy and exciting. There is a lot of fiddling.
We took the writing as far as was acceptable. But yes, the album is a bit slippery, but that should also reflect my joy in life. There are a lot of things I would never have written myself, but I’m confident enough to sing them. I’ve made peace with it because it feels authentic to me.

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