kyiv recaptured three villages from the Russians in the Kherson region…

5:16 p.m .: The situation on the ground in the South

In the occupied region of Kherson, in the south of the country, where Ukrainian forces are carrying out a counter-offensive, three villages have been retaken from the Russians in the past two weeks. The governor of the Mykolaiv region, in the south of the country, reported a “massive” missile bombardment which destroyed a school and injured at least one person.

The Russian occupation forces also announced on Thursday the arrest of around twenty “accomplices” of the Ukrainian army in the occupied regions of Kherson and Zaporijjia.

This announcement came the day after the Ukrainian strikes which partially destroyed an important bridge in Kherson, strategic and key to supplying Russian forces and the city.

“The Russian 49th Army is stationed on the west bank of the Dnieper River and appears very vulnerable. As for the city of Kherson, the most significant urban center occupied by the Russians, it is now virtually cut off from the other occupied territories” and “its loss would considerably weaken Russian efforts to describe its occupation as a success”, comments the British ministry. of the defense.

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