Kyiv keeps moving forward as EU treads water on gas cap

Did you miss the latest events on the tensions in Ukraine? Don’t panic, 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

kyiv has been making conquests for six days since its counter-offensive in the East and South began. On Monday, the Ukrainian army claimed to have “succeeded in driving out the enemy from more than twenty localities” in twenty-four hours. “During their retreat, the Russian troops abandon their positions hastily and flee,” the army again assured.

Remarks echoing many photos and videos on social networks which show Russian camps visibly evacuated in haste and quantities of weapons and vehicles taken back from troops in Moscow. Ukraine claims to have reconquered around 3,000 km2 of its territory, mainly in the Kharkiv region. That is more than the area of ​​Luxembourg.

sentence of the day

For us cold, hunger, darkness and thirst are not so terrible and deadly as your “friendship and brotherhood””

It is a phrase that we owe to Volodymyr Zelensky. The Ukrainian head of state took Russia and its people to task, repeating that Ukrainians and Russians were not one and the same people as the Kremlin claims. “Without gas or without you?” Without you. Without electricity or without you? Without you. Without water or without you? Without you. Without food or without you? Without you”, launched with force Volodymyr Zelensky.

The number of the day

500. This is the number of square kilometers that kyiv claims to have taken back in the southern region of the country, in two weeks of counter-offensive near Kherson. “Our successes over the past two weeks are quite convincing,” Natalia Goumeniouk, military spokesperson for the South, told the press.

The trend of the day

European countries are struggling to agree to lower their energy bills. Norway, which has become Europe’s leading supplier of natural gas in place of Russia, is “skeptical” of a gas price cap, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said on Monday.

Oslo on Monday showered the hopes of a majority of European countries who want a cap on the price of gas imports to reduce their energy bills. While the European Commission has proposed capping the price of gas from Russia, several states such as Italy note that this only represents 9% of European imports and recommend a complete cap on the price of gas purchased by EU.

Norway, which has largely benefited from the surge in prices exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has so far been quiet on the issue of a cap. And does not seem, now, inclined to encourage such a device. Still, the energy situation is particularly difficult for Europe. Not sure, however, that the EU countries will reach a unanimous agreement to spend the winter warm.

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