Kyasanur Forest Fever: Bleeding from mouth and nose! Authorities warn of deadly monkey fever

A potentially fatal disease is currently spreading in southern India. Authorities warn that monkey fever is transmitted by ticks.

The potentially fatal monkey fever is transmitted through tick bites. Image: AdobeStock / Ruckszio

A deadly disease is currently spreading in southern India. So far, 21 cases have been reported and eight people even had to be hospitalized. Authorities have now taken action.

Monkey fever is spreading: authorities warn of a potentially fatal disease

Kyasanur Forest Fever is an infectious disease caused by the KFD virus. The potentially fatal disease is transmitted by ticks. Symptoms of monkey fever include headaches, body and muscle pain, vomiting and bleeding from the mouth, nose and gastrointestinal tract. As the British “Daily Star” writes, 21 cases have already been reported. Eight people had to be taken to hospitals and 13 are being treated at home.

Also read:

Ticks transmit deadly viruses! People should not enter forest areas

Dr. Niraj, District Health Officer (DHO), warns the public not to enter the forest area near which people have fallen ill with monkey fever. “Those who have to go into the forest are provided with repellent oil applied to the exposed parts of the body, such as legs and arms. After returning, they should wash themselves thoroughly,” he said.

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