Kubix collaborates with GDH and Broadcasters Preparing to Launch DESTINY Token

Kubix, the provider of an ICO Portal or digital token offering system. that has been officially licensed by the SEC Preparing to offer the first Digital Token in collaboration with GDH Five Five Nine and Broadcast Thai Television to launch “DESTINY Token”, a digital token to support the first movie production project in Thailand. Based on a giant movie “Buppesanniwat 2 

Mr. Ruangrote Poonpol, Chairman of Kasikorn Business-Technology Group (KBTG) and Chairman of the Board of Qbix Digital Asset Company Limited (Kubix) A subsidiary of KBTG revealed that Kubix has been officially licensed by the SEC. to be able to start a full digital token offering (ICO Portal) business since January 12, 2022, making KBank the first Thai bank to be licensed to operate this business. Kubix intends to Bringing Kasikorn Bank’s strengths in knowledge and investment experience as well as the strength of KBTG in the financial world technology Used to further develop and create an investment experience that will deliver a new return on investment to investors, which is not limited to financial returns only. but also to deliver value to investors in the form of benefits and lifestyle experiences that each individual desires.

Most recently, after receiving the official license, Kubix has taken its first step in providing an ICO Portal by joining forces with Special Destiny, which is owned by GDH Five Five Nine. Ltd. (GDH) and Broadcast Thai Television Company Limited (BTV) filed a digital token offering for investment (Filing) in preparation for the offering.DESTINY Token In the First Market (Initial Coin Offering (ICO), digital tokens based on movies)“Buppesanniwat 2” The blockbuster movie, set to hit theaters soon, will be a combination of Investment Token and Utility Token, which investors who invest in DESTINY Token will receive both results. Remuneration in monetary form and exclusive privileges that are only given to digital token holders The format and details will be revealed soon. DESITY Token will also be the first digital token issuance for investment in the form of a token project in Thailand.

Miss Jina Medicine Chief Executive Officer company GDH five five nine Ltd.said that as a Thai film producer This is the first time in Thailand that moviegoers are allowed to invest in Buppesannivas 2 films through digital token offerings in the first market. and participate in various activities according to the specified privileges This creates a new relationship model from being a mere moviegoer. Become a co-investor in the movie Including being a person who has received the privileges of many movies It is considered to help promote the Thai film industry to grow sustainably. and believes that the movie Buppesanniwat 2 will create a phenomenon and happiness for Thai and foreign audiences again

Miss Apinya doubly glowManaging Directorcompany Qbix digital Asset Ltd.said transparency, accessibility As a leading and open source of digital tokens, Kubix believes that digital token funding will meet the needs of businesses in every industry. DESTINY Token marks the beginning of a new era in the movie industry. that combines entertainment with investment finance It gives investors the opportunity to invest in assets that, in addition to generating monetary returns. It also creates an experience that can’t be bought anywhere else. This is a great example of a digital token. This new asset

Mr. Yanwit Raksri, Managing Director, Qbix Digital Asset Company Limited In the end, Kubix is ​​committed to revolutionizing its investment model by providing a full digital token offering. It is an important tool to help create new business opportunities by opening the door to the world of digital assets through fundraising. Kubix will be a partner in creating new business models. From choosing the right token Token Design That Meets Investors Writing and reviewing smart contracts, as well as providing a digital token offering platform to investors. To make businesses have a stronger relationship with customers and investors. It also increases the opportunity to expand the business in a new way that integrates with the digital lifestyle of today’s customers.

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