Kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg supports clubs – district of Munich

In the year 2022, the Kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg supported around 60 clubs and institutions from very different sectors with financial donations. Since 2012, the company has been donating up to 100,000 euros annually for charitable and non-profit purposes under the motto “Donations instead of Christmas cards”. This year, Sparkasse employees were able to suggest associations and charitable organizations in which they volunteer or which are particularly close to their hearts. The Taufkirchen dance club, the volunteer fire brigade in Neufarn-Parsdorf and the animal welfare association in Starnberg and the surrounding area received donations this year.

“Many of our colleagues are involved in clubs and non-profit organizations in their free time. They put a lot of time and heart and soul into this. With its traditional fundraising campaign this year, the district savings bank is promoting the voluntary work of our colleagues in the clubs in the region.” , said CEO Andreas Frühschütz.

In recent years, the district savings bank’s Christmas fundraiser has always had a specific motto. In 2021, tables and boards in the business area were supported, previously also hospices or fire brigades, for example.

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