Kratzer’s vocabulary – Spickern and Riabbe – Bavaria


The Darts World Championship in London, which ended on Monday, was a great spectacle. In the Alexandra Palace, called Ally Pally, 3,000 fans celebrated their heroes every day, Corona didn’t bother anyone. But it was entertaining to watch the competition on TV. Darts is a precision sport in which competitors throw arrows (darts) at a target. In southern Germany the darts are called Spicker, which is why the sport, which is mainly played in pubs, is also called Spicker. In Vohenstrauss in the Upper Palatinate there is the Spickerverein Blaupfeil, which, according to the schedule, had planned an Epiphany in the cheat room of the town hall on Epiphany. The verbs spicken, spickern and bacon originally describe the technique of braiding lean meat with bacon. But pecking also means to adorn yourself with foreign feathers or with stolen wisdom. From there it is not far to copy, which is also paraphrased with the verb spicken. In this case, it could also be related to peeking. It is undisputed that a rogue who wants to cheat needs a cheat sheet. If he is caught sneaking, he is still threatened with a cheat.


The magazine The mirror has reported that the handover from the old to the new Federal Transport Minister was one of the few bizarre scenes of the change of government. Andreas Scheuer (CSU) highlighted his successes, but he left his successor Volker Wissing (FDP) a messy office. When he took office, Wissing argued that a change of government could have great aesthetics. Then he praised the musicians who had accompanied the appointment with sound, they had emphasized this aesthetic in a wonderful way. “It was Wissing’s way,” the report goes on to say, “to tell his predecessor that he was a bully.” A long time ago, CDU leader Friedrich Merz had also indirectly accused the sister party CSU of being rowdy. Fortunately, Wissing and Merz are not proficient in Bavarian. Otherwise they would have said Riabbe instead of Rüpel. The rudeness, roughness and coarseness contained in the Riabbe surpasses the bully in sharpness by far. “Such a riabbe!” It never gets worse. Weaker forms are Gloiffe, Glache and Glätzn.

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