Krah leaves AfD board – party bans appearances

The AfD has one A ban on appearances was imposed on their controversial European top candidate Maximilian Krah. This applies to all AfD election campaign events and other federal party events, a party spokesman confirmed to the AFP news agency after a telephone conference of the federal executive board on Wednesday. Also from that The party’s federal executive committee wants Krah to withdraw.

He explained this himself on Platform X. “You can never fall deeper than into God’s hand. I acknowledge that factual and nuanced statements from me are being used as a pretext to harm our party. The last thing we need right now is a debate about me. The AfD must maintain its unity. For this reason With immediate effect, I will forego any further election campaign appearances and will resign as a member of the Federal Executive Board.”

Le Pen stopped working with the AfD

The AfD party leadership around Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel had one Unscheduled telephone conference between the party’s federal executive board and the AfD’s top candidate for the European elections, Maximilian Krah, scheduled for Wednesday morning at nine o’clock. A party spokesman confirmed this upon request. “Bild” previously reported.

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Dem Trouble ruins an interviewwhich Krah gave to the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica” last weekend. He comments on the SS and claims that not every SS man was a criminal.

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France’s right-wing populists understood the statements as a trivialization of the Nazi era and used them as an opportunity to to terminate the AfD’s cooperation in the European Parliament.

The head of the Rassemblement National party (National Rally Movement, RN) and leading candidate for the European elections, Jordan Bardella, has “made the decision” no longer “sitting” in parliament with the AfD Campaign manager Alexandre Loubet told the AFP news agency on Tuesday.

Anyone who relativizes Nazi crimes has no place in a democratic parliament.

Martin HuberCSU General Secretary

Already after that Potsdam secret meeting on “remigration” rifts between Marine Le Pen’s RN and the AfD became apparent. Le Pen clearly distanced herself and threatened to end the cooperation. Until now, the AfD and Rassemblement National belong to the Identity and Democracy (ID) group in the European Parliament.

CSU and FDP demand renunciation of mandate

CSU General Secretary Martin Huber has called on the AfD to persuade its top European candidate Maximilian Krah to give up his seat in the European Parliament. “Anyone who relativizes Nazi crimes has no place in a democratic parliament”said Huber on Wednesday to the German Press Agency in Berlin.

Addressing the AfD leadership, he said: “It is not enough that Krah is hidden during the election campaign. He should resign from all offices and give up his seat in the European Parliament.” The Krah case shows once again: “The AfD are Nazis in a new guise”said Huber.

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann also considers Krah as EU top candidate after his relativizing SS statements to be “of course no longer acceptable”. On Welt TV, the FDP politician accused Krah and the AfD of having no interest in Germany’s EU membership anyway.

“The AfD is currently unmasking itself, and we also know that it only wanted to send Mr. Krah to the European Parliament, as well as a Bystron and everyone else on the list, in order to ultimately lead Germany out of Europe, out of the Union. Now that is unmasked.”

AfD speaks of “massive damage”

The AfD leadership spoke of one in a statement after discussions in the federal executive board and with the state associations “constructive” exchange with Krahbut criticized. “The result was a massive damage to the party in the current election campaign determined for which the top candidate provided the pretext,” it says. It is said that Krah’s withdrawal from the public eye was welcomed by the majority.

The break with the AfD and that Calling the crisis meeting with the party leaders comes a good two weeks before the European elections, in Germany the vote will take place on June 9th. Pollsters expect a shift to the right, as ultra-right parties are in the lead in France, Italy and Austria.

The AfD was also initially predicted to make significant gains in the European elections. Recently, however, the approval ratings fell again. The reasons given are the mass demonstrations against the right after the Potsdam secret meeting.

There is also a fight against AfD top man Krah and second-placed Petr Bystron Investigations into alleged acceptance of money from Russia. Both deny the allegations. (Tsp, dpa, AFP)

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