After an out-of-court settlement with representatives of the municipality of Schönau and several authorities, the Bund Naturschutz im Berchtesgadener Land withdrew its lawsuit against a new sewage pipe through the Königssee. In return, the conservationists can see for themselves that measuring points are actually installed on the pipeline both at the pilgrimage church of St. Bartholomä and on the lake shore in Schönau, so that the flow rates can be compared.
According to the approval notice at the time, the same should have happened to the old line from 1989. However, this actually only had one measuring point, which is why a leak may have gone undetected for a long time. It was only noticed during a pressure test last year. It was no longer possible to understand how long small amounts of waste water from the destination of thousands of excursionists could have got into the lake; an actual load had never been measured. The BN had no fundamental objections to the new line, but saw itself robbed of its rights to participate as a recognized nature conservation association, also because the district office issued the permit in the middle of the night on a Saturday and the line was sunk in the lake immediately afterwards.