Königs Wusterhausen: Background after finding five dead unclear

Koenigs Wusterhausen
Background after finding five dead unclear

Why did they have to die? The background to the death of five people is still unclear. Photo: Paul Zinken / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

In a house in Königs Wusterhausen, the police found five bodies on Saturday – including three children. They have gunshot and stab wounds. But what happened?

After the discovery of five corpses in a house in Königs Wusterhausen, there is still no further information about the exact background. According to the Cottbus public prosecutor’s office and the South Police Department on Saturday evening, the investigation continued.

On Saturday lunchtime, witnesses had seen lifeless people in a single-family house in Königs Wusterhausen, Brandenburg, and alerted the police. The officers found the five residents of the house dead in the Senzig district. Among them were three children aged 4, 8 and 10 years, as the Cottbus public prosecutor and the South Police Department announced in a joint press release. The two adults were 40 years old.

According to the report, the bodies had gunshot and stab wounds. There is a suspicion of a homicide. Senior Public Prosecutor Gernot Bantleon was unable to provide any further information when asked in the afternoon. Criminal investigations were immediately initiated. In addition to forensic technicians, an expert from the Brandenburg Institute for Forensic Medicine was also on site.

At first it remained unclear what the motive for the crime could be and who the perpetrator was. There was speculation that the residents were in corona quarantine.

Königs Wusterhausen is located south-east of Berlin in the Brandenburg district of Dahme-Spreewald and has almost 40,000 inhabitants. Senzig is a district of Königs Wusterhausen and was an independent municipality until a municipal area reform in the early 2000s. It lies between fields and lakes – a quiet idyll with many single-family houses.

In the evening, residents placed a candle in the street where the crime took place. When asked whether they knew the dead, a man replies: “This is a village – we know each other.” A woman pushing her bike said: “It’s really bad what happened here.” The family had just moved here a few years ago. The house was rebuilt.


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