“Koh-Lanta” still as powerful, “Astrid and Raphaëlle” in good shape for his return

Denis Brogniart facing “Astrid and Raphaëlle”, a beautiful TV fight – ALP / TF1 / Starface / Nathalie GUYON

After thirty days of competition, the adventurers of Koh Lanta are no longer quite in good shape, but this is not the case with the TF1 game audiences. Friday night, the eleventh episode of Secret weapons was watched by 5.60 million followers, or 26% of the public according to Médiamétrie figures published by Puremedia. As the final draws near, the show is up by around 250,000 people from last week.

Facing the paradisiacal landscapes of Polynesia, France 2 launched the second season ofAstrid and Raphaëlle. On average, 4.85 million viewers followed the first two episodes, or 21.3% of market share, signing an excellent return for this fiction worn by Sara Mortensen and Lola Dewaere. By comparison, the last two episodes of the first season, which aired in the middle of the first lockdown, had attracted five million people.

M for House don’t break the house

On the third step of the podium, we find rugby. The Challenge Cup final, opposing the Leicester Tigers to the Montpellier team, broadcast live on France 3, thrilled 1.86 million fans of the oval ball, or 8.1% of audience share.

Just behind, M6 must be satisfied with a small score for Bull. The two unreleased episodes of the American series directed by Michael Weatherly have been watched by 1.69 million people, or 7.4% of the public.

To note that M for House still does not take off on C8. Friday evening, 478,000 French women and men, or 2.2% of the market share, listened to the decoration and planning advice provided by Stéphane Thebaut, a figure far from the scores that could be recorded France 5 house a few months ago.



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