Kitty Space victim of a homophobic attack in Paris

“I just got mugged. Why ? […]. Because I’m gay, queer, drag queen, free and I’m proud of it. The first Asian candidate for the French version of Drag Race, Kitty Space revealed on Tuesday that she had suffered a homophobic attack in Paris, in a story published on Instagram. Antoine, from his first name in the civil status, also shares a photo there, on which he sports a black eye.

The attack took place on Sunday evening in Paris, he explains to the Huffington Post, returning home after a night out with friends. “A guy approached me to ask me for a cigarette. I didn’t have any more. He started to twist and utter homophobic insults, ”says the young man, who specifies that he was not dressed as a drag queen during this episode. The insults then turn to physical aggression. “I took blows, I defended myself and he fled. »

“I don’t want to be seen as an abused person”

“It happens during the broadcast of Drag Race, and I don’t want it to pollute the joy that this period represents. Above all, I want to keep moving forward and put this aggression behind me, ”retains the young man, who wishes to file a complaint. “There have always been a lot of homophobic attacks, but lately we have been hearing a lot of stories. I wonder when it’s going to stop… even if I know it’s not about to stop”, regrets Antoine, who wants to continue the “fight” for LGBT+ rights.

The candidate claims to have received the “unwavering support” of the production of Drag Race France, and claims to be better, three days after the attack. “I try to focus on my career as a drag queen and I don’t want to be seen primarily as an abused person. I want to move on and live my life, this person will not have my freedom! »

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