Kirchseeon wants to become more bicycle-friendly – Ebersberg

There are many positive things to say about the Kirchseeon market. The fact that it is particularly bike-friendly is not one of them. The drivers have too much of a say in the community, not least because of the busy main road that cuts through the town. But so that cyclists can also feel comfortable in Kirchseeon in the future, the municipality wants to have a cycle path concept drawn up. The responsible working group has now presented the first ideas for this.

The committee, which regularly deals with the issues of cycling and commuters, has various measures in mind, some of which can be implemented immediately or which would require longer-term planning. The time horizon for their implementation varies accordingly from a few months to two years. In the latter category, for example, there are two proposals that are already included in the concept “Schneller Radweg München Ebersberg”, which the Greens presented in the east of Munich. “Unfortunately, none of the five high-speed cycle routes into the surrounding area currently being investigated by the city of Munich lead to the southeast in the direction of Ebersberg,” says the eco-party, which has therefore defined a 20-kilometer route that will make cyclists faster and safer In the direction of the state capital and back.

The connection to Grafing should improve

One of the route sections runs through Kirchseeon and Eglharting. The development there, however, hardly offers any leeway “for a safe, attractive cycle path in the town center,” as the Greens write in their concept. The solution could therefore be to bypass the Eglhartinger center in the south, as the working group is now proposing. Accordingly, the route would run from the intersection at the Schlöffel car dealership along the edge of the settlement on new bike paths. Further to the east, there is the second section, which the working group has taken over from the “Schnellen-Radweg” concept: a connecting route between Kirchseeon and Grafing Bahnhof. “The farm road north of the railway line can be upgraded as an asphalt, attractive cycle path with little effort,” says the Greens.

It will take some time before these two routes can actually be easily navigated by cyclists, after all a corresponding expansion would in part exceed the competencies of the market community and other authorities would have to be involved in the process. The other measures that the Kirchseeon working group has now presented can be implemented much faster. For example a bicycle route between Eglharting and Pöring. The idea was that the current trail along the S-Bahn tracks could be upgraded and made usable for cyclists.

The focus is on safety for cyclists

Another measure concerns the S-Bahn underpass in Eglharting. There, cyclists currently have to switch to the street or take a detour via the train station because they are not allowed to use the footpath at this point. The working group therefore calls for cyclists and pedestrians to share the sidewalk through the underpass in future in order to ensure more traffic safety for everyone. It is precisely this safety that is also the focus of the demand for two zebra crossings over the B304. These are to be attached at the level of the Eglhartingen train station and at the turn to the forest railway so that cyclists and pedestrians can safely cross the main road.

In the opinion of the working group members, the community could also take action in the short term to improve the situation for cyclists. For example, by issuing a no-stopping ban on both sides along the often fully parked Wasserburger Straße between Spannleitenberg and the railway bridge and instead checking whether a bicycle lane could be put up. In addition, the working group calls for the administration to start talks with property owners in order to secure the space required for new cycle paths. In addition, trees and bushes are to be cut along the existing paths and traffic light phases in the municipality are to be adapted to the benefit of cyclists and pedestrians.

Mayor Jan Paeplow welcomes the ideas

An external traffic planner should now check which of these ideas can actually be implemented in practice. The municipal council unanimously passed a corresponding resolution in its most recent meeting. In any case, Mayor Jan Paeplow (CSU) likes the “very good result” of the preliminary discussions. “Hopefully we can implement as many points as possible,” said the town hall chief, who is already thinking a step further. One also has to keep an eye on e-mobility, which not only includes cars but also bicycles. This possibility of getting around is becoming more and more attractive, especially for seniors. “Here we as a community have to create the framework conditions,” says Paeplow. And all other cyclists should certainly not be unhappy about being able to pass Kirchseeon safely in the future.

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