King Charles III: picture of Harry and Meghan adorns his office

King Charles III
Picture of Harry and Meghan decorates his office

2018 on the balcony of Buckingham Palace: Charles with his son Harry and his wife Meghan.

© imago/ZUMA Press

The royals’ alleged problems continue to grab the headlines. In the office of King Charles III. there is no sign of it.

Prince Harry (38) and Duchess Meghan (41) have been living in the United States for over two years. In the London office of King Charles III. (73) the two are nevertheless present. As royal fans have now noticed on Twitter, a photo from the couple’s wedding day at Buckingham Palace is prominent.

This was noticed according to the “New York Post” through a video, which ITV News royal expert Lizzie Robinson posted on Twitter. It shows the new monarch with British Prime Minister Liz Truss (47). The two came together for their weekly audience. The room is also clearly visible in pictures of the meeting. In the background is a collection of royal family photos. One of them appears to be Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan’s official wedding photo. The two were married at Windsor Castle in May 2018.

Charles also placed a photo of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), who died in September, in the room, which she took in 2019 with her heirs to the throne: Charles, Prince William (40) and Prince George (9). The palace published the picture in January 2020.

Coronation on Archie’s birthday

Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, stepped down as senior royals in early 2020 and moved to California. Since then there have been reports of alleged disputes in the royal family, fueled by a TV interview by Harry and Meghan with US talk legend Oprah Winfrey (68) from March 2021. In it, the Sussexes made many allegations about Harry’s family.

Royal fans are also certain that Charles III’s official coronation date, May 6, 2023, will cause displeasure among Harry and Meghan. Because it falls on the 4th birthday of the son of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Archie. The couple has another child, Lilibet (1).


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