King Charles III: Palace fears protests in Canada

King Charles III
Palace fears protests in Canada

King Charles reportedly wants to travel to Canada with Camilla.

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Charles and Camilla are reportedly planning to visit Canada in May. Palace employees are apparently very worried about this.

King Charles III (75) and Queen Camilla (76) reportedly want to make their first official visit to Canada since their coronation next year. This is reported by the British newspaper “The Mirror”. Employees of the royal family should already be thinking about how the royal couple can be protected from demonstrators on site.

According to “The Mirror”, Charles and Camilla are planning the trip to North America next May – two years after their last trip to Canada, which took place in May 2022. According to the report, the week-long visit will now be planned so that the monarch and his wife experience as little resistance as possible.

What awaits King Charles and Queen Camilla in Canada?

The trip could be a test of popularity for the king in Canada, as the Mirror reports, citing palace insiders. A source told the newspaper that staff responsible for the trip had “expressed concerns” about how Charles and Camilla would be received by the public.

According to British media reports, a survey of Canadians in September 2022, shortly after the death of Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), found that a narrow majority of 54 percent believe that the country’s ties to the British monarchy are linked to the Death of the Queen should have been solved. The Mirror also reports on a recent survey from September of this year that found 81 percent of Canadians said they did not feel connected to the monarchy.

Debate in the Commonwealth Realms

According to the report, after the death of Queen Elizabeth II last year, a debate arose again in some Commonwealth Realms where the British monarch remains head of state. In addition to Canada, Australia and Jamaica also belong to the Commonwealth Realms.


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