King Charles III: Heathrow Terminal is not named after him

King Charles III
Heathrow terminal is not named after him

Because of ecological concerns, King Charles III. have spoken out against renaming an airport terminal.


King Charles III is known for his environmental activism. Now the monarch has declined to have a Heathrow terminal named after him.

For the coronation of King Charles III. (74) On May 6, a terminal at London’s Heathrow Airport was originally scheduled to be named after the monarch. But as “The Times” reports, Charles himself is said to have spoken out against renaming Terminal 5 at the major English airport out of “ecological concerns”. Instead, Heathrow will now issue a special luggage tag to passengers to mark Charles’ coronation.

Strict criteria for using royal names and titles

For some time now, today’s King Charles III. for environmental protection. According to “Mirror”, the 74-year-old only had climate change last year described as an “existential threat” at the UN climate conference in Glasgow. Against this background, Buckingham Palace is said to have persuaded English ministers to reject Heathrow Airport’s offer. Almost ten years ago, the airport renamed Terminal 2 “The Queen’s Terminal” in honor of Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), who had died in the meantime.

According to a second government source, Charles opposed the renaming as there would be no relationship between him and Heathrow Airport. A monarch’s title or name may only be used in England where a building or place is newly erected or renovated, or is “personally very closely connected with the monarch”, as reported by the British “Express”..

For example, the Kennel Club, the umbrella organization for British dog breeders’ associations, was renamed the Royal Kennel Club just a few weeks ago with Charles’ blessing to honor the late Queen Elizabeth’s love for dogs.

Baggage tag instead of renaming

As Heathrow Airport itself announces on its website, are used in honor of the coronation of King Charles III. handed out 12,000 special luggage tags to passengers between May 1st and 10th. The London artist Morag Myerscough designed the limited pendant. 12,000 flights are expected to arrive at or depart from Heathrow during the said period.


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