King Charles and Queen Camilla: Couple touched by sympathy for the Queen

King Charles and Queen Camilla
Couple touched by sympathy for the Queen

King Charles and Queen Camilla in the Scottish village of Crathie.

© getty/Pool/Getty Images

King Charles and Queen Camilla appeared in public on the first anniversary of the Queen’s death – and witnessed great sympathy.

On the first anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s (1926-2022) death on September 8th, kings appeared Charles III (74) and Queen Camilla (76) are, contrary to initial reports, in public and extremely close to the people. The couple, who are currently staying at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, took a short drive to nearby Crathie Parish Church to attend a memorial service.

After the ceremony, the royal couple took the time to talk to the numerous people who had gathered on site. The exchange with the royal supporters present came as quite a surprise: Originally it was said that the monarch wanted to spend the sad day in private without making any public appearances.

King Charles appeared stylish in a red checked kilt, while his wife Camilla chose a blue ensemble. Both received bouquets of flowers and condolence cards from those present. Charles described these symbols of sympathy as “wonderful” and is said to have found the time to joke with local children despite the sad occasion. writes the Daily Mail.

The royal family thanks you for your participation

On too her official Instagram account the royal family once again expressed their gratitude for the numerous expressions of mourning: “Thank you for all your kind words of sympathy as we remember Queen Elizabeth II,” says an exemplary image of a card that a fan placed in honor of the late queen had. It reads: “Your Majesty, thank you for always being a part of my life. You will forever be loved, missed and cherished.”

Shortly after midnight the king had one touching video message on Instagram reminded of his mother. Heir to the throne Prince William (41) and his wife Kate (41) also published four pictures on her Instagram page the late monarch. Including one that shows the Queen surrounded by her great-grandchildren. “Today we remember the extraordinary life and legacy of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth. We miss you all,” the couple wrote. Many other royals and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (43) did the same.


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