Kindergartens: countries get billions for daycare centers

Countries get billions for day care centers

The money from the federal government is to be invested, among other things, in the quality of the day-care centers, for example to promote early childhood education. photo

© Sebastian Gollnow/dpa

Green light for the “Kita Quality Act” by the Federal Council. The federal states will be supported with almost 3.9 billion euros over the next two years.

The federal government will support the federal states in the next two years with almost 3.9 billion euros in financing their day-care centers.

The Federal Council approved the so-called daycare quality law of the traffic light coalition. It follows on from the so-called Good Daycare Law of the previous government, through which the federal government had also made money available.

In order to accommodate the countries, the traffic light had recently made changes. For example, the federal government will continue to finance the “Language Kitas” funding program until the summer of 2023, contrary to what was initially planned. After that, the countries should take over according to the will of the government. The federal funding was originally supposed to expire at the end of the year – which had annoyed many countries.


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