Kim Petras in the Tonhalle Munich – Munich

Grammy-winning German musician Kim Petras is on a world tour. In the USA she plays on large stages, in the Bavarian capital at the Tonhalle. But no matter where, she usually sings about sex.

Glittering high heels, unusual haircuts (trendy hairstyle: triangular mullet) and beaming faces – Kim Petras transforms the Tonhalle into her very own gay club this evening. After moving to the USA from near Bonn to pursue music at the age of 19, she is now returning home on her world tour with one of the most important awards in pop. “I’m super proud to be here with a Grammy!” is one of the few sentences she shouts to the audience. Kim Petras made history. A year ago she and Sam Smith were named best pop duo for the song “Unholy.” She is the first trans woman and the first German in a long time, Sam Smith is the first non-binary person.

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