Kim Petras and Sam Smith: Joint song at number one on the US charts

Kim Petras and Sam Smith
Joint song at number one on the US charts

Sam Smith and Kim Petras can look forward to a special success.

© Birdie Thompson/AdMedia/ images/NurPhoto/Image Press Agency

Kim Petras and Sam Smith have made it to the top of the US charts with their joint song “Unholy”. That’s a milestone.

Kim Petras (30) and Sam Smith (30) have something special to celebrate. Their joint hit “Unholy” is number one on the US Billboard charts climbed. Petras is the first transgender artist and Smith the first non-binary person to top the list, as reported by Billboard.

First number one in the US

“I am so grateful,” writes Petras in an Instagram post. “Sam, I can’t thank you enough for being with me for years. I’m so honored to be a part of your first number one in America […].”

For Kim Petras, who was born in Cologne in 1992 and currently lives in Los Angeles, it is also the best US placement of her career so far. The song “Unholy” became a viral hit thanks to the TikTok platform. The song is also number one in Canada, Australia and Great Britain. In Germany, the title made it into the top ten.

Sam Smith had 2017 in one Interview with “The Times” declares that he does not identify himself as male or female. In September 2019, Smith wrote in an Instagram postno longer wanting to be addressed with male pronouns and preferring the gender-neutral “they/them”.


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