kick-off of work for a French production sector

The ANSM, which is piloting experimentation with cannabis for medical use, will define the specifications of the cannabis-based drugs that the future French sector will produce. A temporary scientific committee of 11 members will focus, for four months, on “the specifications of the production chain, from the plant to the drug”, according to a press release released Thursday.

Nicolas Authier, psychiatrist and pharmacologist at Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital, who chaired the temporary scientific committee on experimentation with cannabis for medical use, will be one of its members. This committee is made up of representatives of the various ministries concerned (agriculture, health, economy, interior), the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, the National Council of the Order of Pharmacists . Since the end of March 2021, the use of medical cannabis has been authorized in France as part of a two-year experiment, involving 3,000 patients.

This experiment, set up by the ANSM, does not relate to the effectiveness of the treatments – already observed abroad – but to the feasibility of generalizing their use on national territory. Its results are expected in September 2023.

France is experiencing a “very regrettable delay”

Within four months, this committee will have to issue an opinion on the levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychotropic molecule of cannabis) and CBD (cannabidiol, the relaxing molecule without narcotic effect) of the plants, as well as on the variety of plants used. The committee will also decide on traceability, the controls necessary for the cultivation of plants and pharmaceutical quality criteria. He will hear the actors concerned, including many economic actors already in the ranks.

The cannabis-based products currently used are all imported from abroad (Canada, Australia, Portugal, Israel, etc.). They are prescribed to patients suffering from serious diseases (certain forms of epilepsy, neuropathic pain, side effects of chemotherapy, palliative care or multiple sclerosis), and only in the event of a therapeutic impasse with the treatments already existing. In this field, France is experiencing a “very regrettable delay”, according to a parliamentary report published in June 2021, which pointed out that around fifty countries (Israel, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal, etc.) had already authorized therapeutic cannabis ” with very different approaches.

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