Keynote speech by Scholz: “Bringing the weight of Europe to the fore”

Status: 08/29/2022 12:58 p.m

How should the EU react to Russia’s aggression? In a keynote speech in Prague, Chancellor Scholz made proposals for a common defense policy. He promised permanent help to Ukraine.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has for the first time comprehensively outlined his positions for a new European policy. “We have to emphasize the weight of a united Europe even more,” he said in his Europe speech at Prague’s Charles University.

In view of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it is now up to the member states to further develop the European Union’s promise of peace. The community must be put in a position to “ensure its security, its independence and its stability, even in the face of external challenges,” demanded the Chancellor.

Permanent aid to Ukraine

Russia wants to use force to draw new borders. “The brutal attack on Ukraine is therefore also an attack on the European security system,” emphasized Scholz. It is all the more important that “our idea of ​​Europe” is defended together. “Therefore we support the attacked Ukraine: economically, financially, politically, humanitarian and also militarily.”

The SPD politician assured the government in Kyiv of permanent help. “We will maintain this support, reliably and for as long as necessary,” said Scholz. “That applies to the reconstruction of the devastated country, which will take generations to achieve.” He announced that an international conference of experts was to be held in Berlin on October 25 to discuss the reconstruction of Ukraine.

demand for a division of labour

In this context, the German head of government called for the EU to agree on a “system of coordinated support” as quickly as possible. Within this division of labor, Germany could assume special responsibility for building up Ukrainian artillery and air defense.

As a consequence of the Ukraine war, Scholz also called for significantly greater efforts for the EU’s common defense policy. This requires “a real EU headquarters in the medium term” and a rapid reaction force from 2025. Scholz confirmed that Germany wants to provide the “core” for the planned unit with around 5,000 soldiers at the beginning.

“Take more responsibility”

In principle, Scholz spoke out in favor of the admission of Ukraine, Moldova and the western Balkan states to the EU and, in the future, also for Georgia’s membership. But this requires reforms in the EU, such as an end to the right of veto in foreign policy, and lean institutions. Otherwise there is a risk of “Kafkaesque conditions,” warned the Chancellor.

The Chancellor demanded that the EU must become more independent in all areas. At its core, European sovereignty means “that we take more responsibility for our own security, that we stand together even more closely to assert our values ​​and interests worldwide.” He envisions building a new air defense system together with European neighbors. That “would be a security gain for the whole of Europe”.

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