Kévin, Vike, Pauline and Ofé “saved” by their coaches tell how they live this second chance

Things are getting more and more serious in season 11 of The Voice. On Saturday, the first episode of the “cross battles” was broadcast on TF1. During this stage, in each round, two coaches choose a talent from their respective teams to go on stage. Once the two candidates have sung, the audience gathered on the set, equipped with a box, votes for their favorite: the talent that obtains the majority of the votes is qualified for the next stage, the other is eliminated… Unless his coach presses the buzzer to fish him out. A joker that can only be played once in each team. Florent Pagny, Amel Bent, Vianney and Marc Lavoine did not wait to apply this new rule, called “save” (“save”) since they all used it during the same episode. Kévin, Vike, Pauline and Ofé are the lucky ones who got this second chance… 20 minutes collected their reactions.

Florent Pagny team: Kévin took “six years to achieve”

“I expected the public to vote overwhelmingly for Caroline Costa [de l’équipe de Marc Lavoine]. For me, his proposal – in addition to his undeniable talent – ​​was much more in line with what the spectators can appreciate. I took a voluntary risk on this step [en chantant Love Again de Dua Lipa]. I wanted to have fun, to push my limits and so I was absolutely not surprised. The first thing I felt was a great pride in Caroline, she is someone I really appreciate. I’ve told him many times that it’s an honor for me to “lose the battle” to someone I admire so much. I left with my head held high. To be honest, I no longer had in mind the possibility of being saved by Florent. I had completely forgotten that detail (laughs). I was already planning how I was going to store my things in my suitcase. In addition, there remained a host of extraordinary talents in the team. Either way, I didn’t think it would be for me. When Florent Pagny buzzed, I feel like it took me six years to make (laughs). I remember hugging Caroline very hard, telling her not to cry and to be proud. There followed the cries of the public and I thought I heard Nikos say “Talent saved”. At that moment, I looked at Caroline, turned my head and saw Florent’s seat on. My brain had a bug probably equivalent to the one expected in the year 2000. I felt all the emotions possible, I wanted to cry, to shout for joy, to dance a Macarena with Caroline. I was in the eye of the emotional tornado. It will remain a unique moment. Since the beginning of the adventure I have felt enormous kindness from Florent Pagny. It allows me to regain a self-confidence that I haven’t had for a long time. He is an artist and a person whom I admire enormously and to have his approval and his confidence is and will remain a key moment in my life as a man and an artist. »

Amel Bent team: For Vike everything was “a bit surreal”

“I didn’t quite understand at the time what was going on. Everything is going very fast and everything is a bit surreal. I was not disappointed with my performance, but Charles Kaylan [de l’équipe de Florent Pagny] smashed everything. Of course I then thought of the possibility of being saved. I think it’s on anyone’s mind at a moment like this. I don’t remember exactly when Amel buzzed, but I was obviously relieved. I really didn’t want it to end now, because I still have things to show! It’s true that Amel and I have different worlds, but she understands music in the broadest sense. He is someone who manages to capture the essence, the soul, of a piece. Even if we do different things, she is sensitive to the emotions that I can convey and that is more than enough. She fully believes in it and it’s a great driving force for me. »

Vianney team: Pauline fears not to please the public

“When I saw it was Jean Palau [de l’équipe de Florent Pagny] who won this battle, I was happy and proud of him! He is a sincerely nice person with whom I was able to discuss and exchange. Inevitably, when we learned this new rule, each of us hoped to be saved, including me! But I never thought I would be. It’s true that between the moment I saw the result (Jean who won the battle) and the moment Vianney saved me, very little time passed so I didn’t have time to say to myself: “Pauline, the adventure is over for you…” When I realized that Vianney had saved me, I was relieved and happy, very happy! Has being saved given me confidence or is it a source of pressure for the next step? It’s a mix of both! I am extremely happy that my coach trusts me and supports me for the future and, at the same time, I tell myself that I may not please the public and that, for the Super Cross Battle [l’étape suivante], it’s not won (laughs)! »

Marc Lavoine team: Ofé was “hyper disturbed”

“It’s a bit of an emotional lift because I was super proud of my performance and I honestly had a lot of hope. I loved being at the piano, getting up, the way I was dressed: it represented the music I make. I was too happy to show this. At the same time, I was extremely happy to see Nour [de l’équipe de Florent Pagny] win, the smile on his face. So, of course, I wasn’t going to complain. It is above all destabilizing. In my head, I was preparing to leave. We necessarily hope to be saved, but I admit that at the time, I was especially disappointed because I strongly believed in my performance and it had not worked. I felt a little misunderstood and I had resigned myself. I said to myself “Too bad, I’m going out”. The moment I’m saved, I’m clearly a bit stunned (laughs). It’s violent, it goes so fast. I was very disturbed, I was not sure to have this second chance: “Is it true? I continue?” (laughs) When I arrived on set during the blind auditions, I wondered, if the four coaches turned around, which team I would go to. In my head, I was sure I wanted to join that of Marc Lavoine. I felt that we would be connected in relation to our universes, in relation to the humans that we are. It didn’t miss. When he said that I was the talent he was waiting for, it was very touching, I felt understood in his universe. He taught me a lot of things and today I’m still learning and that’s cool. »

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