Kermani on protests in Iran: “Everything is at stake here”

Status: 09/22/2022 11:28 p.m

An increasingly repressive regime, the economic crisis, the lack of rights for minorities – the protests show the deep dissatisfaction of the Iranians, says the writer Kermani in the daily topics. He expects an even more brutal crackdown by the police.

According to the writer Navid Kermani, the protests in Iran show the population’s deep dissatisfaction with the regime. “Of course it’s about women’s rights, which are massively disadvantaged,” said the German-Iranian writer in an interview with the daily topics. But there is also great resentment for other reasons: “It’s about the daily patronizing, the rights of the minorities, the economic crisis – everything is at stake here.” The demonstrators were not only demanding individual reforms – the system question was being asked openly on the streets. “This is a rejection of the ruling elite.”

Kermani paid tribute to the women and protesters for their courage. The people “are developing enormous self-confidence in the fight against the regime and are on the streets every evening despite the danger to their lives”. It was “unbelievable with what strength and energy these people fought for their rights against a system that has shown many times that it will strike if its back is against the wall.

“Rejection of the ruling elite”, Navid Kermani, German-Iranian writer, on the wave of protests in Iran

daily topics 10:15 p.m., 22.9.2022

“More police violence”

In view of the major protests in 2019, however, he expects the security authorities to crack down again this time. The fact that the regime has now switched off the Internet means, on the one hand, that agreements between the demonstrators are becoming more difficult and that information can only flow with difficulty. But it probably also means “that it will be struck soon”. He fears “that there will be even more police violence”.

In this context, Kermani criticized the “roaring silence” of the European governments. In his estimation, this is related to the negotiations on the nuclear agreement. “You want to save it somehow, and you prefer to keep quiet.” But this is not wise, because without a peaceful society there will be no stability in Iran.

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