Kerkelings Comback: Dwarf States and Cats Media

In the spring it became known that entertainer Hape Kerkeling was planning to return to TV on RTL after a seven-year break, now there are more details. From this late autumn on, Kerkeling will initially be shown in a seven-part documentary series on Vox. This was announced by the broadcaster, which belongs to the RTL group. In Hape and the 7 dwarf states travel to Kerkeling (“I’ll be gone”) as a reporter to the seven smallest countries in Europe, i.e. Andorra, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican. The documentary series will explore the mini-countries and their inhabitants in an entertaining way. Vox also wants to show a reading by Kerkeling from the Hansa-Theater in Hamburg, moderated by the journalist Dunja Hayali, in the program. In the show An evening with Hape Kerkeling In addition to the texts from his current cat book “Pfoten vom Tisch”, there will also be a review of his previous TV career.


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