Keeping cookies: this will keep your Christmas cookies fresh for as long as possible

Christmas baking
Keeping cookies: this will keep your Christmas cookies fresh for as long as possible

If stored correctly, Christmas cookies last a long time and hardly lose their taste

© cpjanes / Getty Images

Have you been busy and have baked so many Christmas cookies that you can’t keep up with the snack? Never mind, if stored correctly, the baked goods will keep their full aroma. An overview.

Christmas is almost here. If you haven’t baked a decent batch of cookies, now is the time. But what is the best way to store the sweet treats so that they stay fresh and juicy for as long as possible? The most important tips at a glance.

The basic rules

In principle, almost all cookies can be stored for a longer period of time. To do this, you should first let the cookies cool down well after baking. Decorations made of chocolate, icing and co. Must be completely dry – this is the only way the cookies do not stick together afterwards, stay nice and crispy and do not lose their shape.

Large tin cans that can be sealed as airtight as possible are best for storage. Alternatively, you can also use cans made of plastic, but there is a risk that the cookies will take on a plastic-like odor in the long term. For the longest possible shelf life, each type of biscuit should be stored in its own jar. If there is only one storage container, you can use parchment paper to separate the cookies and keep them in a tin. This is the only way to preserve the respective aroma. Above all, very aromatic, intense pastries with plenty of spices such as coconut, cinnamon or coffee give off their aromas, after a while everything tastes similar.

But what is the best place to store the cookie jars? The refrigerator is too cold for most types, the biscuits would start to crumble and the chocolate would turn gray. On the other hand, an unheated room – for example the pantry – is ideal.

Overview: store cookies correctly according to type

Short pastries: vanilla croissants, shortbread biscuits and Co.

In order to keep pastries made of shortcrust pastry for a long time, they should be stored in a tightly closed metal tin in a dark and cool place after they have cooled down. Butter cookies, angel eyes, rascals, vanilla croissants or shortbread biscuits stay fresh and crispy for up to four weeks at room temperature.

Cinnamon stars, gingerbread, honey cake and stollen

Moist baked goods such as gingerbread, honey cake, stollen, cinnamon stars or fruit bread taste particularly good. Accordingly, it should be left open for a day before it is stowed away. Only in this way can it develop its full aroma and become nice and soft. Then storage in a metal can, preferably with an apple slice, is suitable, which increases the moisture in the closed can. In this way, the baked goods stay fresh and juicy for longer. Replace the apple wedge around every other day to ensure that nothing can go moldy. The pastry will keep for up to three months.

Hazelnut and coconut macaroons

Are you worried about your macaroons and expect a shorter shelf life due to the egg whites it contains? Thanks to the high sugar content, however, the sweet pastries can be kept for up to three weeks. A well-closable metal vessel in combination with an apple wedge ensures a long-lasting soft and juicy consistency even with macaroons of all kinds.

Cookies with glaze and frosting

Glaze, chocolate decorations and icing make the cookies particularly attractive. So that it stays that way, the bottom and edges of the biscuit tin should be covered with baking paper and individual cookie layers should be separated with it when storing.

Pastries with filling and creams

If your baked goods contain perishable ingredients such as cream or cream filling, they should be consumed within a week. Like the other varieties, these are stored in a dark, well-closed and cool place, preferably in a metal box.

Have you eaten enough? Freeze cookies properly

Have you been hardworking and have baked so many cookies that you can’t keep up with snacking? That doesn’t matter, most baked goods can be frozen without any problems and thawed again if you have a spontaneous desire for biscuits. To do this, pack the biscuits in separate freezer bags or cans.

Dry pastries are particularly suitable for this, but gingerbread or cinnamon stars can also be frozen without any problems. Meringue cakes such as macaroons, cookies with icing and chocolate, on the other hand, cannot be frozen.

And what about defrosting?

The cookies thaw at room temperature within two hours and thus retain their full aroma. If you have to go quickly, the microwave is also suitable. To do this, put the baked goods in the microwave at a low wattage or on the defrost program; alternatively, you can bake them in the oven at 180 degrees for five to eight minutes. It almost tastes freshly made.

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