Keanu Reeves: He wasn’t sad at the “Sad Keanu” meme

Keanu Reeves
He wasn’t sad at the “Sad Keanu” meme

Has been an internet phenomenon on several occasions: Keanu Reeves.

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The “Sad Keanu” meme has cult status. Now Keanu Reeves is clearing up a rumor. He wasn’t sad.

Memes with Keanu Reeves (57) have been popular online for years. The so-called “Sad Keanu” meme managed to attract special attention. On it: A Papparrazzo shot of a supposedly sad Reeves, sitting alone on a park bench while eating a sandwich. JThe Canadian actor now spoke on Stephen Colbert’s late night show about the snapshot: “I’m just having a sandwich man!”

He was not at all sad at that moment: “I was thinking. I had a lot to do. I was hungry.” A modified version of the “Sad Keanu” meme found its way into a comic from his own series “BRZRKR”, at least one scene is based on the photo at the time. His illustrator Ron Garney, who illustrates the stories for Reeves, was inspired by the meme, says the Hollywood star.

The internet phenomenon Keanu Reeves

“I didn’t know he was going to do that, but he just did it, albeit on a meta level,” Reeves continues. Reeves is always part of the internet hype. This was, for example, his brief cameo in the Netflix movie “Always Be My Maybe” to a huge network success. A speech from 2019 at the E3 computer game fair also went viral. A visitor called to Reeves at the time: “You are breathtaking!” To which Reeves replied, “You are breathtaking, you are all breathtaking!”


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