Keanu Reeves dropped from the skyscraper for “Matrix 4” – Panorama

(Photo: Mark Von Holden / dpa)

Keanu Reeves, 57, Canadian film actor, plunged into the depths for “Matrix 4”. “It was great!” He said on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show. “Can you imagine just jumping off a building?” The stunt in which he fell hand in hand with Carrie-Anne Moss – and secured with ropes – from the 46th floor of a skyscraper was clearly the craziest experience on the set of “Matrix 4” (original title: “The Matrix Resurrections”) been. “When we got there, my heart was beating a little faster, but after the first time you can’t think about the fear,” said Reeves. “You don’t have to fade it out, but you have to deal with it, absorb it and just do it.” Implementing the scene digitally was out of the question, as director Lana Wachowski wanted natural morning light. In Germany, the cinema release is on December 23rd.

Birgit Schrowange
(Photo: Henning Kaiser / dpa)

Birgit Schrowange, 63, TV presenter, apparently calls herself “Fräulein” as an unmarried person “I’m celebrating my 65th birthday in April 2023, by then the Fräulein will be gone”, said she the image-Newspaper. In April 2019, her fiancé, engineer Frank Spothelfer, proposed to her. So far, the couple have not given each other the yes word. But they want to get married “in any case.” From March on, Schrowange will present three TV formats on SAT1, one of which is called “Birigts stark Frauen”. “I was always a woman, supported young colleagues at RTL in 25 years,” she said. Now she’s portraying strong women, prominent and non-prominent, who want to start over again.

Brite in Berlin has the largest collection of Christmas brooches in the world
(Photo: Smallfish Productions; Guinness W / dpa)

Adam Wide, 68, Briton living in Berlin, is addicted to Christmas brooches. With a collection of several thousand copies, he made it into the Guinness Book of Records. Everyone can collect brooches, Wide told the German press agency. He himself describes his passion as an “obsession” “You can just start, like me, to buy a small brooch in Copenhagen and before you know it, you have it all at once 8000. ” Since 1984, Wide’s collection has brought together 7929 brooches in all possible shapes and colors – valued at an estimated 350,000 pounds (more than 410,760 euros), as there are also some valuable examples with diamonds. Wide has an “infectious passion for Christmas,” said Craig Glenday, editor-in-chief of Guinness World Records.

Achim Reichel
(Photo: Ulrich Perrey / dpa)

Achim Reichel, 77, musician and composer, becomes a Tiktok star when he retires. 30 years after its release, his shanty song “Aloha heja he” is number 1 in the music recognition app Shazam in China. “I thought I was dreaming,” said Reichel on NDR radio when his record company congratulated him on the success. However, there is no campaign or marketing strategy behind it: “The song did it all by itself,” he said. The Chinese version of the short video platform TikTok, on which the hit recently spread rapidly, is likely to be responsible for the popularity of the song. TikTok star “Classmate Zhang” with more than 16 million followers first published a video there in October in which he used the song as background music. Since then, he has incorporated the song into other videos that have been viewed millions of times. Numerous other TikTok users also used the song in their short videos.

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