Katrin Ebner-Steiner, designated AfD opposition leader in Bavaria – Bavaria

Anyone outside of Bavaria who didn’t know the AfD’s top candidate Katrin Ebner-Steiner might have noticed her at the Gillamoos folk festival in September. Dressed in a dirndl, she spoke of “anti-German thieves” and “packs” in the federal government. She shouted that CSU leader Markus Söder was “the sperm donor of this traffic light freak.” And all the “asylum seekers” only came into the country “to collect money”, while the “minor payers” who were obliged to leave the country were shouted: “Go home!” If the AfD is in power, the “responsible accomplices” in the governments would be held “fully responsible,” for example for “mass rape” by migrants. Videos of this went viral on the Internet, where people who probably didn’t know Ebner-Steiner before asked: Is this real, is this woman really real?

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