Kathrin von Steinburg: “Behind jealousy is usually a fear”

Catherine of Steinburg
“Behind jealousy is usually a fear”

“Annie and Shared Happiness”: Annie (Bernadette Heerwagen), who has little Lotte (Isabelle Schulz) in her arms, is sitting with her husband Ralf (Thomas Loibl) and her best friend Tine (Kathrin von Steinburg, left). an office of the social department of a clerk and gets advice from her.

© ZDF / Jacqueline Krause-Burberg

Actress Kathrin von Steinburg explains in an interview what she thinks of the special patchwork relationships in the “Annie” films.

After “Annie – head over heels into life” (2020) and the sequel “Annie and the Loaned Man” (September 15), the third part of the unusual patchwork story follows on ZDF: “Annie and the Shared Happiness” (September 22, September 20). :3pm).

What has happened so far: Annie Frieding (Bernadette Heerwagen, 45) has had a child with fitness trainer Raimund Adjey (Eugene Boateng, 37) since a marriage crisis with Ralf Frieding (Thomas Loibl, 53). Ralf became the little boy’s social father and Raimund also takes care of him as his biological father. When Annie and Ralf’s best friends, Tine (Kathrin von Steinburg, 45) and Nils (Manuel Rubey, 43), almost despair of their unfulfilled desire to have children, Annie suggests that her own husband should help Ralf out. Tine becomes pregnant by Ralf, but unfortunately the two also fall in love with each other. But because Ralf also loves Annie, they dare to take the step towards polyamory together. The third part is now about finding a bearable rhythm for everyone in the challenging patchwork life.

When thinking about “lent” her own husband to her best friend, actress Bernadette Heerwagen explained in an interview with spot on news: “Before the ‘Annie’ films, I would have definitely said immediately: No, I would never ever think so Lend a man. Today I would at least think about it – whether I would really do it is another matter.” And what about Tine actress Kathrin von Steinburg? She also reveals what she thinks about it in an interview with the news agency. She also gives a few valuable tips for a separation with children.

In the “Annie” films, the classic family image is turned upside down. What do you think of the basic idea?

Kathrin von Steinburg: It’s great that our author Dominique Lorenz has the courage to break down these boundaries and that we have the opportunity to show it to a wide audience. I very much hope that this will be taken up in the sense that we are all open to new things. I don’t think it matters at all whether someone implements it themselves. It is much more important that we open the boundaries in our heads and look at each other with love and respect.

Could you imagine lending or sharing your man?

von Steinburg: I ​​only know that when I’m in the situation and with whom I’m in this situation. I can’t really imagine it, but as I said: It depends on everyone involved. And I can very well imagine that it is sometimes very difficult, but maybe you also win a lot with it? In general, I think it’s good to have the courage to try new things.

Are we all too stuffy?

von Steinburg: I ​​think we can all practice tolerance and empathy and integrate that more into our lives.

The major obstacles to harmonious coexistence after a breakup are usually the ego, jealousy and social morality. How could one at least get a handle on the first two?

von Steinburg: I ​​find two things helpful when separating with children: firstly, to be aware of who we are as a couple or ex-loving couple and who as parents.

On the other hand, it helps if you concentrate on what is most important. And in this case, it’s clearly the children. Of course, this will not go without conflicts, but it helps to step back sometimes and say: All right, I’ll make this compromise now or I’ll ignore it because I know that if I do it, it’ll be easier for my children .

Behind jealousy there is usually a fear. Maybe it helps to ask yourself, what fear is behind it? Then I can learn to deal with it or to meet it differently.

The film also shows the tremendous patchwork balancing act. Do you know any families where it works and if so, what is the secret of its success?

von Steinburg: Yes, I know patchwork families where togetherness works. I think that, above all, it takes time to create togetherness and to find a way of dealing with one another. Patience, tolerance and benevolence are certainly helpful for this.

Write all criticisms and accusations on a piece of paper and then burn it. What do you think of the “Hawaiian forgiveness ritual” you perform in the film?

von Steinburg: I ​​think it’s a great ritual and I think we could all do it more often.

Her role is particularly conscious and meatless. How do you personally feel about it?

von Steinburg: I ​​eat vegetarian food and otherwise avoid animal products as much as possible. I also try to pay attention to my diet – sometimes I succeed better, sometimes worse.

And what helps you to relax after a hard day’s work?

von Steinburg: It’s very different. When my head is spinning and I can’t switch off, going to the mountains is best for me. When I’m exhausted, I like to sit in a café and watch the hustle and bustle on the street. And most importantly, spending time with the people I love.


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