Katerina Jacob: Half a breast removed

Catherine Jacob
Half breast removed

Katerina Jacob had five lumps removed from her breast.

© imago/Lindenthaler

Doctors discovered five knots in Katerina Jacob weeks ago – now half her breast has been removed, as she says.

Katerina Jacob (63) underwent cancer surgery in Munich: five nodes were removed from her breast.

In a video on Instagram said the actress: “I jumped the devil from the shovel.” Apparently she was lucky in misfortune – the knots were benign. “I was so lucky!”

In the nine-minute video, she describes how the diagnosis has turned her world upside down over the past four weeks. The TV star remembers feeling the first tumor in the shower. “He was already five centimeters tall.” In the hospital, she was finally told that there were even five knots.

She has already prepared her will

The two weeks before the operation “were not easy,” says Jacob. She’s already made her will. The operation went very well and she was able to leave the hospital just one day later. “I’ll admit I left half a boob in the hospital, but there’s nothing bad that doesn’t have some good in it. My golf swing will improve immensely.” In addition, the cancer did not spread to the lymph.

“But it could have been very different,” warns Jacob, calling on people to take preventive care regularly. She herself didn’t go for five years: “I didn’t take care of myself at all during that time.” According to her findings, her friends went to mammography “completely hysterical” – with the result that two friends also had findings.

“Go. to. precaution.”

“Go. To. Prevention. Please!” Jacobs urged her followers. “If I can just save one life with this call here, then the bloody pain here has really been worth it.”

The “picture” also revealed Jacobthat she is not planning a breast augmentation: “I’m too old for that and I don’t need it.”


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