Kate and Charles in the clinic: Prince Harry sends well wishes

Kate and Charles in the clinic
Prince Harry sends well wishes

The royals united on the balcony: Pictures like this probably won’t be around any time soon.

© Lorna Roberts/Shutterstock.com

Wishes for Charles and Kate from the USA: Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are said to have sent a private message.

Prince Harry (39) and Duchess Meghan (42) have King Charles (75) and Princess Kate (42) apparently sent well wishes. The monarch is currently preparing for prostate surgery, while his daughter-in-law remains in the hospital after abdominal surgery.

A source told British newspaper The Mirror: “The King and Princess of Wales have received support from Prince Harry and Meghan regarding their health.” The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have contacted Charles and Kate “in different ways” to express their concerns and wish them well.

For months there have been reports in the British press about how strained the relationship between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family is said to be. Prince Harry moved to the USA with his wife Meghan in 2020, and the couple then attacked members of the royals in interviews, a Netflix documentary and Harry’s memoirs.

Did Harry find out about his father’s operation from the press?

After the palace issued official announcements about Kate and Charles’ health problems on Wednesday afternoon (January 17), British media, including The Telegraph, speculated that Prince Harry may have first learned about it from the news. Prince Harry is said to have been personally informed by Buckingham Palace about his father’s upcoming operation. However, it is likely that he had already found out about it through press reports. The large time difference between Great Britain and the USA could have been a decisive factor for this.

The monarch is due to undergo a medical procedure next week for an enlarged prostate. Apparently only a short break is necessary. Princess Kate underwent abdominal surgery earlier this week. According to the royal family, she will stay in the clinic for ten to 14 days because of the planned operation, which was successful. She will probably not make public appearances again until after Easter.


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