Karsten doesn’t want to decide

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The finale is coming up in “Wedding at First Sight”. The candidates must decide whether they want to divorce or stick to the marriage. However, Karsten is torn and drives the experts crazy.

Lichtenwalde – The tenth season of “Wedding at First Sight” is coming to an end. This time, among other things, Karsten took part in the experiment and said yes to Michaela without ever having seen or spoken to her before. He had to trust a team of experts who had chosen a woman for him. In the finale they have to choose whether they give marriage a chance or file for divorce – but Karsten doesn’t want to decide.

Finale of “Wedding at First Sight”: Karsten chooses neither marriage nor divorce

In the “Wedding at First Sight” finale on Sat.1, the couples meet again with the team of experts to announce their decision – including Karsten and Michaela. Actually, they should each write down on a board whether they choose divorce or marriage. But instead, the IT consultant keeps formulating his conflict. “I know you want a decision from me now…” he keeps saying, but then doesn’t get to the point.

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“Now I ask you again, do you want marriage or do you want divorce? And I would ask you to just open it now,” repeats therapist Beate Quinn, visibly annoyed. But when Karsten opens the board, it says neither “marriage” nor “divorce”, but “experiment”. “It’s over here today,” the expert points out to him about the finale, until Karsten remarks again: “Yes, well, then that probably means divorce. But that word should actually mean, I want to continue working on the marriage and continue the experiment.”

“Wedding at First Sight” team annoyed by Karsten: Michaela demands a clear statement

Both the team of experts and the remaining candidates who are watching the whole thing on video can only shake their heads at so much indecision. Although Karsten doesn’t want to divorce the marriage, she also doesn’t want to call the whole thing a marriage. “I’m surprised she hasn’t gotten up and left yet,” the remaining participants marvel at Michaela’s patience.

Beate Quinn on “Wedding at First Sight” & Karsten on “Wedding at First Sight”
The finale is coming up in “Wedding at First Sight”. The candidates must decide whether they want to divorce or stick to the marriage. However, Karsten is torn and drives the experts crazy. © Screenshot / Joyn / “Wedding at first sight” & Screenshot / Joyn / “Wedding at first sight”

Instead of leaving the scene, Michaela ultimately demands a clear decision. “I want a divorce,” Karsten finally announces. Then the blonde follows suit. “I decided to do the experiment and I still stand behind it. “I never give up easily and of course I chose marriage,” she cries.

Already during the honeymoon it became clear that the experiment was not going well: Michaela banned Karsten from speaking and was torn apart by the “Wedding at First Sight” viewers. Sources used: Joyn / Sat.1 / “Wedding at first sight”

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