Karoline Herfurth in “Wunderschön”: She gained ten kilos for a film role

Karoline Herfurth in “Beautiful”
She gained ten pounds for a film role

Karoline Herfurth plays the mother of two Sonja in “Wunderschön”.

© © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment

Karoline Herfurth gained ten kilos for the role of a young mother in “Wunderschön”. You want to set an example.

“I can’t make a film about real beauty and then let all my characters appear artificially flawless,” explains Karoline Herfurth (37) of “Bild am Sonntag” about her latest film “Wunderschön”. In it, the actress plays the mother of two children who are no longer satisfied with their bodies. In order to play her role as authentically as possible, Herfurth put on ten kilograms.

“I just ate more and wasn’t allowed to exercise any more. I got used to it very quickly – and wasn’t allowed to eat for more than three hours,” she recalls. The process took a total of four months. In addition, there was no elaborate make-up on the set. That was “very important” to Herfurth so that everything looked real, “that is, the skin, the dark circles of a young mother”.

The 37-year-old has had enough of false ideals of beauty that she also put under pressure when she was at school. “Nobody knew me then. I was just ‘die Karo’ and read magazines like other girls and took these advertising images of beautiful, perfect women seriously,” she remembers. Then in her 20s she started questioning all of that. “But it takes time to understand it and then to change it.”

“Wunderschön” in the cinema from December 16

“Wunderschön” starts in German cinemas on December 16. In addition to Herfurth, Emilia Schüle (29), Martina Gedeck (60), Joachim Król (64), Nora Tschirner (40) and Friedrich Mücke (40) can be seen in the episode film. Herfurth not only slipped into one of the main roles, but was also responsible for the direction and the script.


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