Karlsruhe: Police escorted the wrong team bus to the stadium

Instead of team bus: Police bring fan bus to cabin wing

15 minutes after the wrong one, this – correct – Nuremberg team bus made it into the KSC stadium

© Ulli Deck / DPA

Embarrassing mistake by the police in Karlsruhe: instead of the 1. FC Nürnberg team bus, the police brought a similarly painted bus full of fans to the stadium – right up to the dressing room.

There was a mix-up on the fringes of the second division soccer game between Karlsruher SC and 1. FC Nürnberg. The KSC security service was amazed when the fans’ team bus stopped directly in front of the dressing room instead of the opponent’s team bus. Because the police erroneously escorted the wrong bus on Sunday. Due to the similar paintwork, the police officers had confused the two Nuremberg buses, according to the KSC. The fan bus had to turn and 15 minutes later the right one made it into the stadium with the players on board.


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