Karlsfeld: VR-Bank donates for Spielmobil – Dachau

The Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Dachau donated 1,000 euros for the Karlsfeld municipality’s play mobile. The municipal youth work in Karlsfeld would like to expand the social offer for children and young people in the municipality of Karlsfeld with the Spielmobil. It should therefore be possible to offer play activities for children and young people twice a week at different locations in Karlsfeld. Street worker Charide von der Ahe gratefully accepted the check. The Karlsfeld VR branch manager Helmut Bauer emphasized: “We bank employees have also found out in conversations with our customers how much the children and young people and their families have been restricted by the pandemic. With our donation we are making a contribution to the financing of the play mobile and a great range of leisure activities.”

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