Kanye West: Instagram reacts to the rapper’s ongoing attacks

tirades of the rapper
Insult to talk show host: Kanye West gets banned from Instagram

Kanye West has been banned from Instagram

© MPI122 / Picture Alliance

Kanye West has been insulting his ex-wife Kim Kardashian and her boyfriend Pete Davidson for months. Now he also took on talk show host Trevor Noah – and Instagram responded.

If you watched Kanye West railing against his then-wife Kim Kardashian for months and insulting her new boyfriend, comedian Pete Davidson, the step was overdue: Instagram temporarily blocked the rapper’s profile.

Kanye West: Instagram account suspended

On Wednesday, West took on US talk show host Trevor Noah. He posted a screenshot of Noah’s Wikipedia article and wrote a racist twist on the lyrics of “Kumbaya”. Instead of “Kumbaya,” West wrote “K**n baya my lord,” based on “coon,” which is a racial slur against black people. The reason for this was that Noah had sided with Kardashian on his show “The Daily Show”.

“What [Kardashian] goes through is terrifying to watch and sheds light on what so many women go through when they decide to flee,” he said. “We see one of the most powerful, one of the richest women in the world who is not in the able to get her ex to stop texting her, chasing her, and harassing her,” he continued.

Trevor Noah speaks out

All Kardashian wants is to live her life peacefully, Noah explained. But what some people initially described as “romantic” is now toxic behavior on the part of West, he analyzed and ended with a question: “If Kim Kardashian can’t escape it, what chance do normal women have?”

Before West’s account was deleted, Trevor Noah himself read and commented on the racist attack against him. In it he revealed what great admiration he had for the musician and how much his music had influenced him. “You have every right to fight for your family. But you have to know the difference between that and fighting your family. I’ve woken up too many times to read headlines about men killing their exes, their kids, and then themselves I never want to read that headline about you,” he wrote.

The racist comment itself didn’t bother him much, he said. “The biggest trick racists ever played on black people was teaching us to take away our blackness from each other when we disagree. They made us split up so we’d never agree strong unity,” explained Noah. He then wished West well.

swell: “Page Six” / “Rolling Stone”

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