Kamala Harris flies to Paris this Monday, hoping to complete the reconciliation

After the quarrel between Paris and Washington on the contract for Australian submarines, the vice-president of the United States, Kamala Harris, must fly, this Monday, to Paris where she will spend five days, thus hoping to complete the reconciliation.

His plane is scheduled to take off Monday at 9:30 p.m. Washington time. This visit, from Tuesday 9 to Saturday 13 November, underlines the desire of the White House to finally turn the page, after the announcement of a new defense alliance around the United States in the Pacific, which sees them blow a huge contract for Australian submarines initially promised to France.

Reinforcement in the space sector

Before Kamala Harris, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan traveled to Paris to ease relations. And President Joe Biden, in his own way, also went to French soil, since he met his counterpart Emmanuel Macron ten days ago at the French Embassy near the Holy See, in Rome.

The vice-president will be received Wednesday, November 10 by the French president at the Elysee Palace, to discuss in particular “European security, the Indo-Pacific, health at the global level”, according to the White House. A strengthening of cooperation between France and the United States in the space field should also be on the menu for the visit, according to a joint press release published on the occasion of the meeting between Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron.

“Veterans Day”

The vice-president, the first woman to hold this post in the history of the United States, will visit the same day with her husband Doug Emhoff at the American military cemetery of Suresnes, near Paris. On November 11, “Veterans Day” in the United States, Kamala Harris will participate in the ceremonies commemorating the 1918 armistice ending the First World War. The same day, she will take part in the Paris Peace Forum, organized by Emmanuel Macron.

Other planned stages: a visit on Tuesday, November 9 at the Institut Pasteur, and, on November 12, a participation in the international conference on Libya. This major international meeting is supposed to prepare for the presidential election of December 24, which should be followed a month later by legislative elections. These polls are supposed to end a decade of chaos in the country after the fall of Muammar Gadhafi’s regime in 2011.

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