Kaley Cuoco: She doesn’t give advice to other parents

Kaley Cuoco
She doesn’t give advice to other parents

Tom Pelphrey and Kaley Cuoco became parents to little Matilda last March.

© imago/Cover Images

Kaley Cuoco doesn’t model herself on other mothers or fathers. She also doesn’t want to give advice to other parents.

Kaley Cuoco (38) has been mother to little Matilda since last year. Since then she has learned a lot about her role as a mother. But she doesn’t exchange ideas with other mothers. There’s a very specific reason for that, as she did on the red carpet at the premiere of her new film “Role Play.” revealed to “Entertainment Tonight.”

Kaley Cuoco: “So my advice is not advice”

“From the moment I knew I was pregnant, I said, ‘We’re going to do it our way,'” the American actress explains. She hasn’t read any of the numerous books for mothers or parents. Because Cuoco believes that all parents and their children are unique.

“I think if I’ve learned anything, it’s that your child is your child and not like another child,” the actress continues. “You as a parent are not like those parents, and what this child needs is not what my child needs.” She and her partner Tom Pelphrey (41) have stuck to this and it has worked well so far. “So my advice is not advice,” explains Cuoco.

“I could have thrown the woman out of the plane”

A few days ago, Cuoco had just met US talker Jimmy Kimmel (56). talked about, that she feels like everyone is judging what you do with your children. She talked about her first flight with Matilda, who will be one year old at the end of March. Cuoco and her partner Pelphrey had to take a sound machine with them because their daughter would only fall asleep to the sounds produced by the device. When the little one finally fell asleep after a lot of screaming, a flight attendant alerted the parents that another passenger had complained about the device. When the woman made a snarky comment after the flight, the point was full. “I could have thrown the woman out of the plane,” Kuoco said, looking back.

The “The Big Bang Theory” star didn’t talk to other mothers about the incident. Cuoco now explains that she doesn’t get involved in talking about such things “because it’s just too much for me.” While some people could certainly understand all of this and show compassion, there will probably be “more questions and possibly more anger than I want to hear.”


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