Kai Wegner as Berlin boss: The revenge of the neck steak griller

Nobody expected it, but the new Governing Mayor will probably be called Kai Wegner. Who is this man who wants to bring Berlin together?

When hell freezes over, that’s what they say in English. That means something will never happen. So far in Berlin, that has meant: When Kai Wegner becomes Governing Mayor. That was also pretty much out of the question. But since this week it has become clear that at least in Berlin hell will probably soon be frozen after all.

After 25 days of mostly friendly negotiations, the CDU and SPD presented their coalition agreement on Monday. And so, before the end of the month, the Red City Hall could become black again – after 22 years in the hands of the Social Democrats. Kai Wegner would stand in a row with illustrious names such as Ernst Reuter, Willy Brandt, Richard von Weizsäcker. Or at least Eberhard Diepgen, that was the name of the last CDU governor.

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