Kai Sina about the magazine “TransAtlantik”. Criticism. – Culture

Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Gaston Salvatore founded “Transatlantik”, a magazine in which intellect and hedonism came together. Kai Sina tells about it in a book.


Thomas Steinfeld

In October 1980, shortly before Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States, the first issue of a German monthly magazine with the title appeared transatlantic. The name said it all: The model for the new magazine was at home on the other side of the Atlantic, and just like that new Yorker let the best writers in the world (they were mostly Americans) write the best reports, essays, portraits, columns, reviews and short stories, illustrated by the best illustrators, as it should transatlantic become the central organ of a German spirit that has become urban, literary, generous and distinguished.

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