Kai Diekmann: Who was, who is “Bild”? The Book of a Former Editor-in-Chief – Media

Kai Diekmann publishes a book about his time at “Bild” – and advertises it extensively. Regarding the turbulence surrounding Springer, the ex-editor-in-chief says he is “thank God not part of this drama”. Is that so?

When the media unrest about the dismissal of PictureEditor-in-Chief Julian Reichelt had laid something, Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner was looking for a public that he could control in November 2022. In an episode of the in-house podcast “On the record”, he spoke of lessons he had learned and of a “necessary critical distance” that he may have lacked from the former editor-in-chief. And then Mathias Döpfner said – without getting so specific that it could have had any real value for everyone but himself – “I can only apologize”.

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