Justine Triet denounces the pension reform by receiving the Palme d’Or

Social news was invited to the glamor of the Cannes Film Festival on Saturday evening. By receiving the Palme d’Or on Saturday evening, French director Justine Triet denounced the pension reform. The movement against this reform has been “denied and shockingly repressed”, launched the director when receiving her award for her film Anatomy of a fall.

“The country has been crossed by an extremely powerful and unanimous historical protest of pension reform,” she insisted. Justine Triet also criticized the “commodification of culture that the neoliberal government defends” and which is in the process of “breaking the French cultural exception, this same cultural exception without which I would not be here today”.

Culture Minister Rima Abdul Malak said she was “stunned” by the speech “
unjust” from the director. “Happy to see the Palme d’or awarded to Justine Triet, the 10th for France! But flabbergasted by his speech so unjust. This film could not have seen the light of day without our French film financing model, which allows for a diversity that is unique in the world. Let’s not forget that,” she wrote on Twitter.

The Festival had opened twelve days ago under the threat of a power cut from the CGT.

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